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Extremely dangerous pills containing nitazenes may be in circulation in the Greater Manchester area
Isotonitazene is one of a group of synthetic opioids known as nitazenes.
8/30/2024 9:15:36 AM
Over 250 people have died in the last year after drugs sold as heroin,
diazepam (street Valium), oxycod...Cannot find any content for this category.
Millions to get protected ahead of winter in NHS vaccine rollout
Millions of children and adults across England will be offered their flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccinations as the NHS sets out plans for protection ahead of winter. The v...
8/15/2024 1:52:47 PMNHS England
People in Cheshire and Merseyside reminded about healthcare options ahead of August bank holiday
With the August bank holiday fast approaching, people in Cheshire and Merseyside are being reminded to plan ahead by ordering any repeat prescriptions they may need and knowing what to do if they,...
8/15/2024 1:00:00 PMNHS Cheshire and Merseyside
Southport and Formby Primary Care Network
Southport and Formby Primary Care Network (PCN) is a group of 15 GP Practices working together with other local organisations to improve the health and social care of our local population of around...
6/20/2023 2:28:25 PM -
7 Day GP
Do you need a GP appointment outside of traditional 9-5 hours? We have the service for you. Find out more about our 7 Day GP service.
6/15/2023 3:33:37 PM