Vacancy- Service Improvement Manager (Deputy Practice Manager)
Job description
29 January 2025Ben Elliott
The Village Surgery Men’s Health Information Event
Consultant Urologist Mr Fadi Housami will be talking about men’s health issues and answering any que...
11 September 2024susan.lowe9@nhs.net
Extremely dangerous pills containing nitazenes may be in circulation in the Greater Manchester area
Isotonitazene is one of a group of synthetic opioids known as nitazenes. Over 250 people have died i...
30 August 2024susan.lowe9@nhs.net
IT Difficulties
Dear Patients, Our Computer systems are now operational again, however, we are still affected by the...
19 July 2024David Mortimer
We are recruiting - Reception Team
We are looking to recruit a highly motivated, hardworking individuals with excellent communication s...
11 March 2024susan.lowe9@nhs.net
Welcome to our new website!
We have worked hard behind the scenes to bring you a highly accessible and user friendly website, to...
23 May 2023Sandra Almond